Monday, January 31, 2005

War is not welcomed any more

Parastoo Dokouhaki*
parastoo [at]

It's not welcomed any more. I mean the war.
Am I anxious? -Yes, I am!
Look! 16 years of living in safety after passing 8 years of war with Iraq has not been gained simply. Iranians achieved it by passing all the difficulties. And at the same time, they've looked for the ways toward democracy.
Democracy? -Why not?
Human Rights aren't highly respected here? -Yeah, but do you think human beings must be killed in a war to obtain their rights? Will there be anyone left to have any rights then? What kind of solution is this?

Forget about politics, forget about the benefits, forget about big goals, just think about babies, the disabled people whom will be wounded by the war, whom will be killed easily.
The life of every human being is more precious than everything else. Isn't it?

*Parastoo Dokouhaki is a 24-year-old journalist living in Tehran